What Is Love?
Youth sessionRelationshipsAuthor:
Paul Lee, St Albans VineyardWhat Is Love - 2 - Why God Loves Commitment
Key text Genesis 2 : 18 - 25 |
God designed marriage and committed relationships to be based on commitment.
Commitment is key to success in many situations not just relationships.
Last week we started a new series called “What is Love” and we were looking at what love is and why God values love and healthy relationships so much. |
Feel The Burn
The definition of commitment is to be dedicated to something or someone, and being willing to give your time or energy to remain firm to this. Commitment always involves effort. Sometimes commitment can be difficult, sometimes it might be painful. However someone who is committed will remain dedicated when times are tough as well as when times are easy. I need some volunteers who are willing to demonstrate their commitment. |
Get the youth to position themselves in a line doing a plank like shown on the image on the left.
Tell them that they need to hold this position as long as they can, and be committed to remaining in this position as long as possible.
As you felt in that game sometimes being committed to something can be tough. We can feel like the burden of the commitment is too much and we want to throw in the towel and give up. We see in Hebrews 12 : 1 - 3 Paul encouraging the Hebrew church to endure even when they faced opposition and difficulty. Now think about your life, what things do you find hard to commit to? |
Encourage the youth to share examples of areas where they find commitment difficult. Write these examples down on your whiteboard.
Commitment can be tough, but it is an important quality that God wants to develop within us. |
Commitment IS A Decision And A Bond
Take a moment to have a think someone who has a skill that you admire, and look up to. Who do you admire? |
Encourage the youth to share who they look up to and why they look up to them.
It doesn’t matter if they are a famous football player, a musician, an actor, painter or anything else. The likelihood is that they got to the position they are in though practice and an ongoing commitment to their cause. You won’t be signed up to a Premier League team if you haven’t put in the years of practice beforehand. Some social scientists claim that it takes 10,000 hours of practice (that is over a year non-stop) to become an expert in any field. This as I am sure you will agree is a lot of practice. |
Get the youth to write down one new commitment that they would like to work on. Once they have done this get them to staple these together to form a chain.
Then hang these up on the wall using the blutack.
As we look at these new commitments that we have all made, we are all united in working towards a new goal. Let’s spend a few moments praying, and asking God to help us have the strength needed to honour new commitments. |
You may want to pray as a whole group or split out into smaller groups to pray for each other.
If you get them to pray for each other remind them to:
- Keep their eyes open when praying for others
- Praying for people of the same gender
Relationships Are A Commitment
Relationships are also like this, and need practice and to develop. The closer a relationship the more care and attention that is required to maintain the relationship. So let’s look at the closest type of relationship which is marriage. How could you tell if someone is married? |
Encourage the youth to share their opinion, they will probably suggest things like:
- They are wearing a ring
- They had wedding service / party
- They have a marriage certificate
Marriage, like any close relationship is far more that the visible symbols that we can see like a ring, a marriage certificate or a wedding. The key thing is the relationship and bond between the couple and the love that is visible between them. Remember from last week that love is much more than just emotions. To recap let’s look at 1 Corinthians 13 : 4 - 7. The key thing that we can take away from this passage is that a loving relationship is about far more than just an emotion, it is a decision that is reflected though our actions and though their commitment to each other. God designed marriage to be the closest relationship that a human can form with another human. We see this in Genesis 2 : 18 - 25. Here we see that God crafted women to be a companion to men and for their relationship to be so close that they live and act as one person, rather than two individuals. Marriage between a man and a woman is a reflection of the image of God. To maintain a healthy relationship requires commitment rather than just emotions. |
What Type Of Relationship Are You Going For?
Resources |
Within any relationship, whether that is a friendship, a relationship with your family or anyone else we have two attitudes or mind-sets that we can follow. The first is a consumer mind-set, where we are primarily interested with our own needs. We are primarily thinking about what we can benefit from, or take out of the relationship, and are centred on our own selfishness. Many relationships we see in our society are based around this idea, with the primary drive being “how can I use you to make me happy” The second is a committed relationship. These are based on loyalty and unconditional love. Committed relationships are not based on your own selfish interest but instead about sharing your love with the other person (remember this is the love we were speaking of earlier filled with action, rather than just emotion). God loves us all with a committed mind-set. As we can see throughout the Bible God pours out his love for his people, not because they deserve it or because he stands to gain from it, but simply because he loves us and wants to see us thrive. Can you think of any examples of what makes a consumer or committed relationship? |
Add their suggestions onto your sheet.
The key idea is that Consumer relationships are self-centred, focusing on our own needs.
Whereas Committed relationships are selfless, and instead build up both parties
God loves us all with a committed mind-set. As we can see throughout the Bible God pours out his love for his people, not because they deserve it or because he stands to gain from it, but simply because he loves us and wants to see us thrive. The most significant example of this committed love is when God sent Jesus to die for us, so that we can enter into a new relationship with him. A relationship which makes it possible for us to be friends with God despite our weaknesses, John 15 : 12 - 15. A committed mind-set is essential to a lasting relationship, because this is how God designed marriage to work. God designed marriage to be a mutually beneficial relationship, where man, woman and God can grow together. |
Closing Prayer
Let’s close in prayer together. Lord God, We thank you for your relationship with us. Thank you that you love us so much that you were willing to send your son to die on a cross just so that we could start a friendship with you. Help us to value commitment, both in our relationships and in every other aspect of our lives. We thank you that you are good. Thank you that you love us so much, no matter what we do or what circumstances we find ourselves in. Bless our relationships, and our families. Amen |