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What have you got to lose?

Just be determined, be confident; and make sure that you obey the whole Law that my servant Moses gave you. Do not neglect any part of it and you will succeed wherever you go.

Joshua 1 : 7 (GNB)

We all have countless ideas, aspirations and dreams. Many of them are great ideas, some of them are a bit eccentric, and a few are genius yet completely bonkers. However quite often the one thing which stops us from following our dreams, no matter if they are big or small is a fear of failure.

A fear of failure is both a rational and sensible response to something that is risky. For those who are doing things in their own strength (without God) this fear is very much justified. However for us as followers of Jesus it is different.

God doesn't want us to live in fear, neither does he want us to always play it safe and never push the boundaries. Instead God wants us to be brave, to trust in him, love him and follow his guidance.

When we do this we can also be brave. Brave because we are confident of success, no matter how uncertain it might seem. Brave because we know that God, the maker of the universe is behind us and has promised victory for all those who trust and are loyal to him.

However it is worth considering that confidence and blind risk taking can be different. Whenever making bold steps it is always good to also use your good judgement, and that of other Christians can be important when preparing to do what God has put on your heart.

Have a great week, be bold and confident in what God has in store for you.

This week's song is You make me brave by Bethel Music.

Header image by: Joe Hayhurst via Flickr