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Preparing for that special visitor

For there is nothing that God cannot do.

Luke 1 : 37 (GNB)

This week's passage pretty much explains itself. We believe and trust in a God that can do anything. There are no limits or confines to what he can do. His power is not restricted to our understanding, or of science or reason. Everything you can think of (and everything you can't) is achievable by God.

With all of this immense power you would think that God wouldn't give us mere humans a second thought. But this is not the case, despite everything he cares about you greatly. He takes an interest in all of our lives and wants to be a part of them. I don’t know about you but that makes me feel pretty special!

If someone famous, influential or important was coming to visit you. I am sure that you would get excited, and start making all sorts of preparations before they arrived. You would probably tell everyone you knew, tweeting it, posting it on Facebook, and if it was really special maybe even the local papers. You would want everyone to share your excitement.

Equally in a situation like this you would probably give it your full attention. You would go to great lengths to ensure that you were ready for the big day.

So why when it comes to God, do many people purely give him a cursory glance on a Sunday? Isn't our great powerful God we have spoken about far more worthy of our attention than any visitor we may have?

Make sure today that you are giving God the attention he deserves. He is not confined to Sundays in church, but throughout the week wherever you are. Have a great week, and think about where your priorities are.

This week's song is Build Your Kingdom Here by Rend Collective based in Northern Ireland. This is a upbeat easy to listen to song asking God to build his kingdom here among us.

Header image by: Boegh via Flickr