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Power in numbers

"And I tell you more: whenever two of you on earth agree about anything you pray for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, I am there with them."

Matthew 18 : 19 - 20 (GNB)

In the UK if there is something that you are unhappy about you can set-up an official petition, then if enough people agree with you the government will discuss it. Currently you need 100,000 others to side with you to make this happen. This is done to allow the politicians to focus on issues that we the general public care about.

So when we consider God and the requests that we have for him. You might think the threshold for getting his attention would be much higher than this. After all God is far more important than all of the politicians in Westminster. However as we see in our passage this is not the case.

God has promised to play special attention even when two or three of us are gathered together for praise. What's more, Jesus then continues to say that even if you can only find just one other person who agrees with you that is fine. He still has time for your request.

So is this really a numbers game? Is Jesus saying I'm not with you when you are on your own, or I'm not listening if no-one else will? No, quite the opposite! The reason that the numbers are so low is to demonstrate that we have a God who is always interested in us. A God that listens to our requests and loves to be present when we worship and praise him.

We should take encouragement from this passage. We have a God who loves to take an interest in our lives individually. However as we see we also have a God which wants to see us be together, agree and thrive as a community.

This week, remember that there may be power in numbers, power in a crowd. However this power comes from a God that loves each individual that forms part of the group. Have a great week.

This week's song is Let's Go by Planetshakers.

Header image by: Espen Sundve via Flickr