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Remember that I have commanded you to be determined and confident! Don't be afraid or discouraged, for I, the Lord your God, am with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1 : 9 (GNB)

I am sure that you did not need the Bible to tell you that having confidence is a good thing. Many people whether they are followers of Jesus or not will tell you that it is far better to go through life being brave and brimming with confidence, than acting like a timid flower hiding in the corner. Your confidence and determination can greatly impact how you perform.

Just think about this for a moment. When do you feel that you are giving your best? Is it when you are confident in your ability, or when you are running scared trying to control your nerves?

I have recently been conducting job interviews at work, and I cannot think of a better illustration for the impact that confidence (and nerves) can have on our ability to do well. Some candidates arrived full of confidence giving everything their best shot, whereas others let their nerves get the better of them, and were unable to show their true potential.

I am sure you would agree that you perform best when you have confidence in what you are doing. God wants us to not only be confident in ourselves and our own ability but also have confidence in him. Confidence that he will support you with everything you are trying to achieve, no matter how nerve-racking it may seem.

You may feel sometimes as if you are standing in an aeroplane with a parachute on your back. You look over the edge of the plane and are rightly scared. If there was however someone more experienced, on your back ready to help you launch the parachute at the right time, it will probably boost your confidence and make it easier to make that dreaded jump. God wants to be your companion and help you through these hard times, but it is up to you to trust him and jump! Have a great week.

This weeks song is Emmanuel by Martin Smith.

Header image by: lintmachine via Flickr