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If I won the lottery...

The more easily you get your wealth, the less good it will do you.

Proverbs 20 : 21 (GNB)

This week's passage is looking at wealth, and in particular wealth that was easy to come by. Many of us have an aspiration or big idea in the back of our minds. Thinking one day when I have the money I will do that.

As we know in most cases no matter how good, honourable or worthy an idea may be, money doesn't just land on your lap to make it happen. Because of this many big ideas never make it beyond the dream stage.

It can be tempting to think that the solution to this problem would be to go and buy a lottery ticket, or put a stake in some other game of chance in the hope of winning the jackpot. It is surprising how many Christians get sucked into the false hope offered by these sorts of games.

Similarly we are reminded that we are much more likely to value the money we earn through hard-graft than money that just lands on your lap. This makes sense as with the money you have worked for you know the effort that went into getting it. As a result you are likely to be more thoughtful on how it is spent and not go and by a flashy sports car at the spur of the moment.

There is no need for us to fret about money or chase after a big windfall. With God we are already winners, he has given us everything that we need for our current situation here and now. What's more he will continue to provide for us in the future, all you need is faith that God will provide.

This week remember that hard work is not a bad thing, it makes the result much more rewarding when you reach your goal. Also while you are working towards it remember that with a little faith God will provide what you need to succeed. Have a great week.

This week's song is Redeemed by Big Daddy Weave.

Header image by: jimpetr via FreeImages