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How to become rich

Well, religion does make a person very rich, if he is satisfied with what he has. What did we bring into the world? Nothing! What can we take out of the world? Nothing! So then, if we have food and clothes, that should be enough for us.

1 Timothy 6 : 6 - 8 (GNB)

This week's passage is a stark reminder that we cannot take it with us when we go. All of the money, possessions, responsibilities, power and status that we amass while on Earth means nothing in the context of eternity. Everything we own will be lost once we die and take up residence in heaven.

So is this passage telling us to be morbid or defeatist and say "what's the point... why should I work hard to better myself? Why did I put all that effort in to have these nice things if God is just going to wipe it all away and put me back to square one..."

Well not entirely, what God is trying to tell us is not to get obsessed with things which are only short term, instead we should focus on building up the things that will last for eternity. God wants us to be happy with what we have, he wants us to use the limited time we have on this Earth to make a difference, rather than just make money.

As we see in the passage, a far better measure of richness is contentment. Someone who is content, and appreciative of what they have is far richer than someone with a big bank balance. Someone who knows the joy of knowing God can be far happier than someone with the trendiest clothes, latest gadgets and sportiest motors but has no God and no eternal purpose.

Today be thankful that you are rich, you have clothes to wear and food to eat. You have people who care about you and a roof over your head. You also have a God that loves you and has prepared great things for you, things that money can't buy. Have a great week.

This week's song is This is our time by Planetshakers.

Header image by: epSos via Flickr