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Don't look back

One thing I do, however, is to forget what is behind me and do my best to reach what is ahead. So I run straight towards the goal in order to win the prize, which is God's call through Christ Jesus to the life above.

Philippians 3 : 13 - 14 (GNB)

Our passage this week is all about looking and striving forward. All too often in life, we are tempted to stop look back at past victories, successes or failures. It can be easy to fall into to the habit of thinking "this is the way we have always done this, so therefore this is the way we will always do it" or "I have always been rubbish at that so why even bother?".

In this passage, we being told not to burden ourselves with our past. That we should accept that what has happened in the past, good or bad should remain there, and not cloud our future.

This is not to say that learning from the past is not a good thing, but rather that our focus should be in the here and now. Not too firmly in the past as we can see in this passage, and as other passages in the Bible tell us not too firmly in the future either.

We should be using our focus on the here and now to help us run towards the goals that God has set for us. The goals he has for us change as we go through our lives and our situations change. We need to embrace these changes but most importantly maintain our focus and relationship with God.

When we leave the baggage of our past behind and focus on the opportunities and goals that God has for us right now we can achieve great things. With focus and trust in God we can bring our light of truth into our world which is desperate for it. By running straight towards God's goal we can make it! Have a great week.

This week's song is Take Heart by Vineyard Worship.

Header image by: Susanne Nilsson via Flickr