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Blood sweat and tears

For you have been given the privilege of serving Christ, not only by believing in him, but also by suffering for him.

Philippians 1 : 29 (GNB)

Our thought this week follows on nicely from last week (check it out here if you missed it). We have seen that it is good to be active in following Jesus. It is far better to take what we learn from the Bible and put it into practice rather than just let it occupy space in our brains.

This week we are taking this a step further to say that actively working for God's plans (serving) is not only a nice thing to do, it is a privilege. God has given us the opportunity to do things far greater than humans on their own are capable of. We should feel honoured that God has chosen us to carry out his great work.

Working towards God's plans will not always be glamorous, it might not always be easy, and at times might be really tough. However it will always have a purpose, it will always be part of God's great big plan which is far bigger and far better than anything we can imagine.

What we are talking about here is not simply volunteering, being a good member of the community, or 'giving something back'. We are talking about your efforts being part of God's supernatural plan to change the world. Such plans of course take a lot of dedication and effort, but the end result will be far greater than all other good works and acts of kindness and charity put together.

Where do you think you are with this? Are you settling for just reading or listening to God's word. Have you started to put these words into action. Or are you going all in and giving all you have got into serving and making God's plan happen. Have a great week.

This week's song is Afraid by Tenth Avenue North.

Header image by: Nicolas Raymond via Flickr