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What makes a true winner?

Those who obey God in everything and always do what is right, whose words are true and sincere, and who do not slander others. They do no wrong to their friends nor spread rumours about their neighbours. They despise those whom God rejects, but honour those who obey the Lord . They always do what they promise, no matter how much it may cost.

Psalms 15 : 2 - 4 (GNB)

Following the recent elections over in America, and the political chaos over here following Brexit we have seen a wave of stories hit our newspapers and television screens. Stories of division, dirty laundry, deception and general muck slinging on all sides.

I thought that with this in mind our passage this week is very appropriate to show the characters that God views as being important. The characters that make us good leaders, characters that make us winners in his view.

First, we see that God's winning characteristics for his people start with obedience and a desire to do what is right (rather than what is popular), which for many people will not be too surprising, after all no one wants a winner that doesn't play by the rules.

Next up is honestly and sincerity. Which is where the world and God can begin to pull apart. Most people would agree in principle that honesty is right. However, they can then find it hard to stand up for God's truth against more popular lies.

Then we get into the really interesting one, not spreading rumours or slating our opponents. In politics at least this seems to be the primary method of attack. As it can also be in the office, in the classroom or down the pub. We need to remember that honouring others is very much a winning characteristic for God, and not something we should sidestep or ignore.

This week focus on these qualities, you might not win any elections but you will definitely be a winner in God's eyes. Have a great week.

This week's song is Real Love by Hillsong Young and Free.

Header image by: Paige Portraits via Flickr