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At the roundabout turn left

The Lord guides people in the way they should go and protects those who please him. If they fall, they will not stay down, because the Lord will help them up.

Psalm 37 : 23 - 24 (GNB)

I am sure that many of you either own or have seen a sat-nav, you might even have one sitting in your pocket on your phone. They are a great tool for getting you back on track when you are lost, or guiding you through an unfamiliar town. However to make full use of your sat-nav you need to play attention to it and follow the directions it gives you. It won't drive your car for you, it simply helps you on your way.

This is a bit like how God interacts with us. He is there ready to give us help, direction and support. However it is up to us to listen to him, and decide whether to follow him or not. Sometimes we might think that we know better and we take our own route through life, just like you might take a short-cut through a town that you know. Sometimes we get distracted by the busyness of life, which causes us to miss the turning that we were meant to go down.

However God, like your GPS, is still there ready to get us back on track when we get lost, or we hit an unexpected diversion. He is always there ready to help us get you back on track and living the way that he intended.

Unlike your sat-nav God always knows where you are and where you need to be, even when you don't! Plus he never runs out of battery or loses signal! This week when you are feeling lost, don't get worried or anxious. Ask God for help and he will get you back to a place where you will thrive. Have a great week!

This weeks song is Manifesto by The City Harmonic.

Header image by: _chrisUK via Flickr